Why IRS E-File?

Why IRS E-File?

Information on Electronically Filing
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Why IRS E-File?

IRS e-file enables taxpayers to file their individual, business and information returns electronically. More and more taxpayers are choosing IRS e-file because their returns are processed faster with fewer errors. This means quicker refunds and less contact with the IRS. Plus, the IRS acknowledges receipt of IRS e-filed returns that gives taxpayers proof of filing. The electronic payment options let you and your clients file early and either electronically schedule a payment for a future date (paying by direct debit) or delay out of pocket expenses (paying by credit card). As taxpayer demand for IRS e-file grows, there are many ways you can meet the expectations of your clients and participate in this important trend as an Authorized IRS e-file Provider.

  • Tax professionals have e-filed nearly 51 million individual tax returns in 2007 out of the 71 million total e-file receipts.
  • The IRS is making it easier for you to conduct business electronically.
  • The growing trend is clearly toward electronic filing and paying.
    Electronic filing and paying can help you solidify client relations.

Now it is easier to apply to participate in IRS e-file with the new electronic IRS e-file Application.

A new IRS e-file application is available through the internet-based business tools called e-services.