OnLine Taxes Disclaimer/Terms of Use

Disclaimer and Terms of Use to customers

OnLine Taxes Disclaimer/Terms of Use
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Disclaimer/Terms of Use

Limited Warranty
On-Line Taxes, Inc. only warrants to you that the software and services will make accurate calculations based on the information that you provide. If an error in such a calculation (an "error") occurs and is solely attributable to a malfunction in the software or services, you may contact On-Line Taxes, Inc. customer service and provide proof of the error and any other information OnLine Taxes reasonably requests to receive a refund of the fees that you paid to use the software and services. Further, if as the result of such an error, you pay a penalty or interest assessed by the IRS or state taxing authority, OnLine Taxes will reimburse you for such penalty or interest if you provide adequate documentation. Except for those additional rights, which may exist in your jurisdiction, the foregoing remedy is your sole remedy for a breach of this warranty.

Disclaimer Of Warranties
With the exception of the foregoing express warranty, the web site, software, and services are provided "as is". On-Line Taxes, Inc. does not represent or warrant that the software, its use or the work product produced with the software: (i) will be uninterrupted or error-free; (ii) will be free of "bugs", inaccuracies, errors or the like; (iii) will meet your requirements; (iv) will be secure; or (v) will operate in the configuration or with the hardware or other software you may use. On-Line Taxes, Inc. hereby disclaims any and all implied warranties, including without limitation, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability and noninfringement.

On-Line Taxes, Inc.
724 Jules Street
St. Joseph, MO 64501
Customer Service Department